Version 2.0.15 – Released On 2022-06-15

  • Added: Currency Saudi Riyal
  • Improvement: Removes unlisted countries from the billing address checkout field when using the “Restrict by country” option;
  • Improvement: Disables the “Restrict by country” toggle when saving the form without allowed countries;
  • Improvement: Improves the addition of billing address fields by allowing the removal of fields through the “wu_billing_address_fields” filter and avoiding error in the use of this filter;
  • Improvement: Checks if payment status is completed when building the cart to prevent error with Ultimo defining the cart as “retry”;
  • Improvement: Verifies if the cart has a future value to be paid to better handle downgrades;
  • Improvement: Checks if subscription is not already cancelled on Stripe and Stripe Checkout gateways before trying to cancel;
  • Improvement: Improvement: Changes stripe.js handlers to better code readability and to follow Stripe recommendations;
  • Improvement: Adds a line item in cart in case of downgrade to remove the current value from payment on swap schedule;
  • Improvement: Calculates prorate credit when upgrading membership;
  • Improvement: Changes the method that checks if we need to collect payments to consider the possibility of future payments before returning false to handle downgrade cases;
  • Improvement: Changes next billing charge date method to consider downgrades with scheduled swap;
  • Improvement: Schedules swap with Stripe and Stripe Checkout gateway to handle downgrades to paid plans;
  • Improvement: Handles gateway subscription cancelation when membership gateway data has change;
  • Improvement: Checks for Stripe webhooks in Stripe Checkout gateway;
  • Improvement: Ensures data type of test_mode value to bool on Stripe, Stripe Checkout and Paypal to prevent errors;
  • Fix: Added currency value when creating the cart from a payment or membership to avoid errors on gateway processes as with GoCardless;
  • Fix: Mapped domains redirect not working;
  • Fix: Problem with gateways as GoCardless that needs the currency value to finish checkout process;
  • Fix: Limit site users by role not working;
  • Fix: Problem with the broadcast message being delivered just to the first customer;
  • Fix: Free membership not being activated even with email verification disabled;
  • Fix: SSO not working on wp-admin page with mapped domains;
  • Fix: Stripe saved cards not working;
  • Fix: Downgrade cart not being correctly built when new plan is not free;
  • Fix: Correctly define a cart as “retry” and postpone the payment verification when building it to prevent some errors on checkout validation process;
  • Fix: Get the enable multiple membership value config from settings value;
  • Fix: Allow updates with current plan on trial period;
  • Fix: Stripe Checkout gateway id with wrong value on get_or_create_customer method;
  • Fix: Stripe maybe_cancel_old_subscriptions method not working;
  • Fix: Stripe Checkout sandbox toggle not working on settings;
  • Fix: Site publish on trials with payment method;
  • Fix: Cart build with membership causing error due currency error;
  • Internal: Fix delete product test;