Version 2.0.13 – Released On 2022-05-06

  • Improvement: Set the first period in period selector as pre-selected if durations is not added before, preventing the mixing of products with different period if using the selector;
  • Improvement: Removed verification for existing signatures in v1, reducing the chance of false negatives as the need to run migration process;
  • Fixed: Stripe card check causing error with multi step forms wen using the product slug in url;
  • Fixed: Product variations not being identified and not setting the price on cart overview;
  • Fix: Get the correct address field in form to set the cart regardless of multi step or single step form type;
  • Fix: Stripe checkout not working on Firefox;
  • Fix: Delete option on broadcast admin list table;
  • Fix: Broadcast list table causing fatal due error on customers column;
  • Fix: Email footer with subsite url on link instead of main site;