- Added: Event to send email when a new payment is created via cron in WP Ultimo (trial without payment method and manual payments for now);
- Added: Email template for new payment created event;
- Added: Popup after login with customer pending payments if exist;
- Added: Link to payment form on invoices element;
- Added: Support for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) characters in invoice text;
- Added: Stripe gateways payment line items on WP Ultimo payment created on renewals;
- Added: wu_setup_step_done_name filter on setup wizard;
- Improvement: Form steps filtering for fields to hide when autosubmit;
- Fix: Unexpected behavior when advance form steps in forms like the create new site;
- Fix: Template site limits verification on create new site form;
- Fix: Post type limitation on legacy pricing table;
- Fix: New site form template selector styles;
- Fix: Limitations merge on products and memberships;