- Added: Current currency in use on Stripe and StripeCheckout product gateway;
- Added: wu_pre_save_settings filter to allow data change before save settings;
- Added: Stripe and Stripe Checkout api keys verification on save settings;
- Added: Show messages to customer on forms according sistem and account limitations;
- Added: Current membership selected on Current class;
- Improvement: Set trial status according membership data on save process;
- Improvement: Delete object cache key of a model after save process;
- Improvement: Non recurring coupon value on stripe checkout;
- Improvement: New session system on forms;
- Improvement: Stripe and Stripe Checkout calls, ensuring correct API keys in use;
- Improvement: Create new payment with Stripe and Stripe Checkout only on “charge.succeeded” webhook event;
- Improvement: Check if membership uses Stripe or Stripe Checkout gateway on webhook calls to prevent duplicated processes which can cause subscription cancelation on gateway;
- Improvement: Public API load order to by present on setup wizard;
- Improvement: get_broadcast_targets method return on class Broadcast;
- Improvement: Multiple account with woocomerce billing_address value;
- Fix: Subtotal value on cart items;
- Fix: Stripe card input styles;
- Fix: Check the available template sites for selected products;
- Fix: Correct build the cart with trial period on checkout process;
- Fix: Template switch form;
- Fix: Stripe and Stripe Checkout error code on WP_Error;
- Fix: Stripe and Stripe Checkout webhook listener url shown in payment settings;
- Fix: Stripe and Stripe Checkout production mode setting value on save;