WP Ultimo 2.0 Beta 7 is out!

Hey guys, how are you doing?
We’re feeling great! Today’s build (2.0 beta 7) packs a ton. Let’s dive in.

Free plans and email verification

This is one of the most requested features we have for 1.X, and it was super hard to get it done over there, as sites got created immediately after a new account is created.

Now, if you have the validate email address option on (it is on by default) and the customer opts for a free plan (or, in the next build, a plan with a trial without payment information capture enabled), the site gets saved as a pending site, instead of an actual site on the network.

This means that all the various site tables and bloat related to sites in multisite won’t get added to the database until the customer email is verified and you are sure they are not spamming your network. Long term, this brings enormous benefits in terms of database size and performance.

Additionally, the super admin can manually publish the site at any time, either by going to Sites -> Pending -> Publish, or by manually updating the customer email verification status to verified in the Customers edit page.


Coupon Codes support re-added

As for pretty much everything else, we had to re-engineer the entire discount code portion of the plugin to make sure it works with the new way WP Ultimo processes payments. They are now fully supported, and the differences from how coupons work on 1.X are minimal.

One thing we were not able to port over (and it makes more sense anyway, as most payment gateways do not support it), is the ability to define how many cycles a coupon is good for. 

Example: in 1.X you can create a coupon code that is good for 5 cycles. This means that this coupon will be applied for the first 5 charges, and then the regular price will quick-in. With 2.0, you can have the coupon be good for the initial payment or initial payment + recurring charges.

We also added support to set a start date so you can create coupons in advance for a big promo and be sure they will only be valid when the promo is actually running.

Upgrades, Downgrades & Add-on Purchases

This is the build that finally includes the complete flows for upgrading a membership, downgrading it, or adding additional packages and services.

This feature is a bit complex, so we’ll have a separate article explaining in detail how it works tomorrow (I’ll update the link here).

In summary, it comes down to three scenarios:

  1. Upgrading: WP Ultimo calculates the credit you have by pro-rating the amount your customer paid while taking into consideration the percentage of the current cycle used, the previous subscription is canceled, and a new one is created.
  2. Downgrading: WP Ultimo schedules a membership plan change for the end of the current billing cycle. In the meantime, the super admins can see the current state of the membership and what it will look like when the change is done. They can also make the change happen now if they wish to do so.
  3. Add-on: Similar to upgrading, we calculate credits and attach the newly contracted products and services to the current membership.

Coming next

We are hoping (still not confirmed) to release the first iteration of the new WP Affiliate integration for 2.0. 

We will spend most of the week revising the checkout fields to bring them closer to their final stage, as well as re-adding old hooks and filters for backward compatibility, as we need that to finish webhooks and emails.

It’s possible that we’ll have another beta build later this week, but if we don’t, we’ll talk again next Tuesday (Monday is proving not enough to run our final sweeps after we come back from the weekends).

Complete tour of what we have so far

We have so much great stuff and as documentation is lacking at the moment, I feel like a lot is hidden way, which in turn makes it difficult to test. 

In order to somewhat address this while we are still pushing through in our coding efforts, I’ll record a guided tour of the main functionality in place so far and release it by the end of this week the beginning of next week. It will probably be a long video, but I’ll timestamp it on YouTube to make it easier to digest.

Have a great week ahead,
Arindo Duque.

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19 thoughts on “WP Ultimo 2.0 Beta 7 is out!”

  1. Awesome work!

    “We also added support to setting a start date so you can create coupons in advance for a big promo and be sure they will only be valid when the promo is actually running.”

    If we add multiple promo codes, will they stack/bank? Meaning if I add three individual promo codes, will each one apply for each month, for a total three months before charging on the fourth month?

  2. I’m assuming the new WP Affiliate integration still has to do with affiliate wp plugin? Unfortunately, I was too late to catch affiliatewp’s unlimited lifetime plan before their pricing update. I was never sure if ultimo’s integration required the unlimited plan or a single license plan.

    Can you confirm this Arindo?

  3. A question about upgrades – will it be possible if someone upgrades to a higher plan to charge them the difference in initial fee/setup fee? For example, if someone is on Plan A, which has a setup fee of $200, but they upgrade to Plan B, which has a setup fee of $1,000, can I have it automatically charge the difference of $800?

    That’s something I’d really love to have because I have to handle it manually right now, which is a hassle, especially since there are no notifications about plan changes.

    1. Hey, Todd. Yes, that’s possible. It should be working already, but we got a couple of reports that it misses a couple of edge cases. We’re working on it as we speak!

  4. Appreciate your tireless efforts, Arindo. May I ask, how many beta versions do you expect to make before RC and then the full release? Many thanks!

    1. Hard to know, Neek, but we’re hoping to stay on the single digit beta numbers… It might not be possible, but we’re hopeful.

    1. We don’t have a set date just yet, Risvi, but we’ll let the community know via our weekly blog updates.

  5. I’m a WP Admin Pages Pro customer (lifetime licence) and I’d like to know what is the future of this plugin since you no longer provide any support… is there a plan to automatically switch licences to WP Ultimo or anything else?

    1. Hey Michele. I’m only seeing this now, so sorry for the delayed response. We are working on the new version of WP Admin Pages PRO as well. And we do provide active support for it. Do you have any tickets that went unanswered? I can take a look to see if I can find them here and help you with those.

  6. Hi Arindo & folks,

    I’m learning WP Ultimo step by step and surprised all the time about all the features!

    Nevertheless I’m wondering when 2.0 will be released for production. It will contain some features we’ll need. Hoping it will not take long?

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