Version 2.1.4 – Released on 2023-08-29

  • New webhooks for Payment, Costumer and Membership
  • Select templates by categories in templates selection field on forms
  • Added option to show all or owned sites on My Sites block
  • Divi Builder compatibility in page edit screen
  • Added filter wu_bulk_action_function_prefix on process_bulk_action() method
  • Better messages for membership downgrade via PayPal
  • Remove jQuery from legacy-signup, template-previewer, thank-you.js, visit-counter.js, wubox.js and vue-apps.js files
  • Fixed domain mapping allowing uppercase
  • Eliminates the fake email loophole and enables users to register on different subsites using the same email
  • Fixes the resetting password process
  • Allow user verification on wp-activate.php page
  • Fixed PayPal renew payments not showing line items
  • Change the status in membership and payment schemas for rest api validation
  • Fix the detection of pre-selected products in the checkout form
  • Fixed urlencode on my sites widget URL
  • Fixed plan frequencies and duration on migration from v1 to v2
  • Add the username in login error handler message