Version 2.1.1 – Released on 2023-05-01

  • Added the filter “wu_checkout_add_field_{field_type}” to allow developers to change form fields in the checkout form
  • Added an option called “checkout_page” to set a page ID to redirect to wu_templates_list shortcode
  • Compatibility with PerfMatters plugin on registration pages
  • Improved the limitation merge methods on plugins and themes permission rules
  • Checks permissions before the deletion of sites, payments, and memberships, during customer deletion
  • Checks permissions before the re-assignment of sites, payments, and memberships, during customer deletion
  • Filter WP Ultimo admin bar menu items by capabilities
  • Filter financial data widgets on the dashboard by capabilities
  • Filter side panel buttons on the settings admin page by capabilities
  • Disabled the save settings button for unauthorized users
  • Check if the Billing Country field exists before setting the v-model
  • Allow free addons with free plans on membership update
  • Fixed rollback fatal error
  • Fix error where non-customer-owned sites were being affected by permissions
  • Fix a fatal error triggered by generating a membership URL for non-customer-owned sites
  • Allow accentuated and other special chars when saving a checkout session
  • Fixed data replacement on serialized objects during site duplication
  • Filter WP Ultimo checkout forms menu by wu_read_memberships capability
  • Fix permissions required to invite customers in add_new_customer admin form
  • Fix permissions required to transfer sites in the admin page
  • Fix permissions required for redirecting to the edit broadcast admin page after creating a new broadcast
  • Fix the login block redirecting to the default WordPress login page after an error
  • Fix capability checks when redirecting to the site edit admin page after site creation
  • Add setup fees to the first stripe invoice in case of trials to include it in the first payment
  • Fix Cloudways SSL domain syncing methods
  • Redirect to the checkout page after selecting a site template on a wu_templates_list shortcode
  • Build process changed to guarantee backwards compatibility with php 7.4
  • Fixed duplicate emails and other small inconsistencies after checkout when Stripe is used
  • Get the original cart order from the payment before processing checkout instead of creating a new one from the request data
  • Allow downgrade from free memberships to plans with a duration smaller than 1 month