A “thank you” note and on getting back to speed

Hey guys. Hope you’re all doing well.

First of all, I would like to thank those that reached out to express their support during these trying times. It meant a lot to hear the kind words on the emails we received and it helped me to keep pushing through it.

The year 2021 and the pandemic took my grandmother, an uncle, and placed both my parents into intensive care units in the space of fewer than 2 months. It was a lot to take in.

It wasn’t easy, but the weight was made a bit lighter with your messages, so thank you!

I’d also like to thank the rest of the team, especially Daniel and Marcelo, that despite being under extreme anxiety with the situation in Brazil (which just broke the record of 4.000 deaths per day yesterday) in relation to their own relatives, managed to continue to delivery, even when I was not in a position to give more than very vague general directions.

Today I’m happy to say that my mother is back home and almost 100% recovered and that my father, after almost two months of fighting COVID19, spoke his first words and took his first steps (assisted) yesterday. The worst is truly behind now, at least for us.

As you might have noticed, this post is about good news.

Yesterday was the first day I was able to work full-time again. I’m reviewing the work the rest of the team has done and we’ll have another build including a whole lot of fixes released this Sunday.

Although not yet a stable release, this build will be ready for more serious testing in production-like environments, and it includes some long-awaited features, such as native Cloudflare integration, for example.

In addition to that, I would like to invite you to join our newly-created Slack Community: https://wpultimo.slack.com/

It is the initiative of one of our community members (Thanks, Philipp), which is also one of the greatest bug-hunters we have on the bug report boards =)

Be safe,
Arindo Duque.

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14 thoughts on “A “thank you” note and on getting back to speed”

  1. Hassan Farhood


    Glad to hear your new positive news, you are one tough cookie to go through all this personal trauma and come back to full work load with positivity and optimism. I am sure everyone in this Ultimo community is looking forward to see what you will create next, for what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger 🙂

  2. Arindo,

    Very sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother and uncle to covid-19. I am very happy to hear about the recovery of both your mom and dad. May they continue to get better quickly.

    Cheers to your team for holding down the fort while you dealt with very serious family issues which are more important than WP Ultimo. WP Ultimo is very important too though 🙂

    Wishing you peace and good health — Jason

  3. Arindo, good to have you back and thank you for the updates! Truly sorry for your losses but also happy to hear about the recovery of your parents. You have a big community who supports you so just know we are all here for you. Take care!

  4. Got to admit I teared up a bit when I read your father spoke for the first time in 2 months. Overjoyed to hear your parents made it through.
    Condolences for your losses however.
    Glad to hear from you!

  5. Hello Arindo,

    So glad to hear things are better with your parents. It has been indeed a rough time for many of us unfortunately, sorry to hear about your grandma and uncle and the situation in Brasil.

    Keep it up, better times are coming soon 🙂


  6. I Join the community of well wishers and continue to send positive vibes your way.

    In the Highest Vibration of Love
    (to all who read and see)


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