New systems for a larger team

Hey everyone,

I’m sorry I missed the daily updates for the other days this week. We’ve been reorganizing internally to better support a larger team and that meant changing a bunch of the tools we’ve been using. We’re only now finishing up the process of migrating recurring tasks and I have to admit that if I don’t have a reminder to write these, it is hard to remember to do it in the midst of the chaos we’re trying to tame at the moment.

That being said, I feel confident that the new tools we are putting in place will result in an improvement in the way the team interacts and integrate. And they require a lot less “active” following up and management on my part, which is awesome.

One of the tools in the new stack is If you are not familiar with it, I highly recommend taking a look. It’s simple, yet powerful. It natively supports cycles and it reads just like an email inbox (lot’s of keyboard shortcuts as well).

One of the major features that brought us to Linear is how well it integrates with other systems. Now, escalated support tickets and roadmap reports get automatically added as “items to be triaged”, which allows me and the other leads to quickly see what’s on our plates, what needs to be dealt with immediately, etc.

We still have a lot of catching up to do, but having the right tools for the job finally in place is a huge – and much needed – boost to moral.

On a different note: we got some reports about issues with 2.0.11 – mostly centered around SSO missing a default cookie_domain definition – and we’re planning a release on Monday addressing them.

I’m finally finishing up some of the proofs-of-concept I need to put together a demo for 2.1 for you all.

I’m excited to share what we have planned, but at the same time, I want to be careful with overpromising. It’s a delicate line to walk because I’m not the best in dealing with excitement and estimating the technical complexities involved in bringing some of these features to life, but little by little, we’ll get there.

That would be all for this update.

Have a great weekend ahead =)

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1 thought on “New systems for a larger team”

  1. may i ask how exactly can i get notifications specially pertaining to the new official updates .. there are too many chanels pages and places to look an my wordpress websites do not show the auto update until 24-48 hours after release .. can you please alert me when this 2.1 or whatever is released to avoid anxiety i stopped posting up in the community every few hours can you just notify me when the update you said is out please and thank youi .. 

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